Saturday, November 28, 2009

A GOLDFISH tat turn into a PAKCIK

As the name suggests, tis post is gonna b abt him. Yup onli him. Dedicated to my dear fren. :D So how do i get to noe him. Thru Tagged. Well at 1st im actually veri sceptical abt tis guy. Like i dun evn noe u, how can i trust u n all. N besides how do i noe im talkin to a person not sme chikopek. Wah tinking abt chikopek ive met some. Haha. Ok starting to digress now. So rahmat turned out to b nice. Glad dat i can click w him e 1st tyme we chat. Haha. He seems nice, tat was my initially response. I guess he's my MSN buddy back den when im still werkin. Yup, at least ive him to accompany me thru all thse gruelling hours of OT. Kudos to him for not asking my no. on e 1st chat cos if he did, hah i will nvr give. Tats jus me. Heeee.

Ok so its been abt a yr of frenship. Do i noe him tat well?? ermm i guess dere's jus certain things tat i might not noe n jus things tat shld not be told rite. But i do noe tat he has certain antics like
- he'll take 4eva to bathe n siap.
- he'll owaes fall asleep whn e clock stike 1 plus
- he'll nvr say he's sleepy n continue msging evn whn i noe u do!!
- he's shy but not veri lah :D
- his laughter hor sounded like spongebob, heheh
- he' not very tall
- he can b lazy esp whn it cmes to e subject of exercise

BUT APART FROM ALL THAT, he's the nicest guy ive met. Like reli. Guess i will nvr trade my goldfish for ariwana. Even if he's overfed, even if he refuse to lift up any "weights" n even if he's laughter does remind me of e yellow sponge.

COS he's a nice guy n he shld noe tat.
Oh ya, n rahmat i do tink tat ure a bit shy whn it cmes to gerls.
Dun b OK. Cos hor we dont bite. :P

Hmm, so will tis frenship lasts??
Well who noes, i dun he dun. No one does. We shall wait n c.

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