Sunday, December 27, 2009

L.O.V.E at 1st SIGHT

Heyho!! merry xmas!! Hahaha.. niwae ive been lazy not doing anything including updating this blog of mine. But ive been real bz munching on food!! ya i tell you, im like a pig. Food has been on my mind 24/7!! OMG!! how to lose those fats n babats.. ROAR!! ok nvm. Thats besides the point. Ok so i dun reli believe in love at 1st sight. Usually tot its kinda bull. But guess wat?!! Ive a story to tell my love at 1st sight i tink 2 yrs ago!! awwwwww..

Ok so i was at this mall, shldnt say its a mall but smewhr near bugis n NLB. Whr exactly e place is, i dunno. Niwae there i were, walking n looking ard, when when when!! i saw you!! ya, words jus coulnt describe how you look!! i tell you ppl, it was spectacular!! i tink ive fall in luv!! hahha. jus look! how i wish you could be on me like 4 eva!! you sitting dere behind thse crystal clear window pane jus breathetaking. Sitting dere quitely not moving an inch except for tat hands of your. If i could grab you i wld. Of i would, even my sis tot u look WOW!! As in unique!! But wat to do. You have to be expensive. Ya, how much does it cost me to get you, hmm 100++ bucks!! Hello??!! Im still a student n besides back den ive already own a watch i guess deres no way watsoever tat i will two-time my beautiful watch esp since it was a gift from my dad!! No way Hozyyyyy.. haizzz.. Watch watch y mus you b so breathetaking!!

Haizz, yes ppl, my love at 1st sight had to b a WATCH!! n i reli truly do wanna get it!!! Esp since i dun have any since i broke e strap!!
Oh ya, watch spore idol today!! Dun 4get!! n n n, i saw Hady Mirza ystd!! I could swear tat i almst faint jus by looking at him thou i was like few metres awy frm him!! His voice is music to my ears n his looks is like candy to my eyes. Its so WONDERFUL. So for e 3 mins i was staring at him LIVE, i feel tat i was flying or mayb floating without wings!! Weeeeee

Thursday, December 17, 2009


So lets blog abt ystd. Went picnic w SHUYAN at marina barrage. So initially i tot she wldnt noe how to get dere since she nver went dere b4 until ystd lah. But as usual not to my surprise, she's the one leading the way. N as normal im the one asking stoopid qn. Haiz, cant believe i asked " whr's marina bay" smething to do w countdown 2009. I noe I noe. Dumb rite?! My brain hor, typical sheila. So ya, learnt smething frm e qn its near e esplanade lah!! Niwae whn we've reached it was not packed but stil there were sme ppl mostly teenagers n thse dating couples trying to act romantic, haaa feel like slaping each one of dem!! Go n get cozy smewhr else lah!! Nevertheless their sight didnt destroy e beautiful scenary dere w ppl trying to fly kites. Those teens chilling n chatting r mayb gossiping. N of coz me n shuyan we camwhore all e way. Wat else were dere for us to do rite? N besides, she's sick!! So sad lah, shldnt have cme, poor thing as her flu worsen. Oh well, get well soon!! Ok n dere's tis cute lil boy!! very cute lah i tink abt 1 yr plus old. Initially i tot he was staring n smiling at me. Ya babies are jus so attracted by me!! hehehe. OK den i simply throw a small smile n he continues laughing. Damn cute i tell you. Esp if you saw his expression. N shuyan babies do not have acnes!! I tink its measles? r eczma? *wrg spelling btw* ok heck. So continuing w my story. Den hor i caught his eyes!! He is not looking at me r even smiling at me, he's actually looking at a bird behind me!! n smiling n laughing at e bird!! Hmph, small kids!!.. Nonetheless, afta dat he did gave me a sheepish smile!! So kiut!!

Ok so during e evening shuyan n i continue our camwhoring sessions n me continue w my impromtu qn. As usual she'll strt laughing and as soon as u saw her laughter u jus noe tat ur qn is smething random n silly. Oh well her laughter didnt bothered me tat much as its so infectious tat i laughed at my silly qns too. hehehe. I guess my trip w shuyan be it shopping r any random outing we will end up laughing at our stoopidity mstly mine ive to say. hahaha.

So i guess nite time now, it said on tis piece of ppr dere gonna b a shuttle bus. Obviously we wld rather take e free bus den e nrmal sbs rite. Singaporeans mah. So we waited for like 15 r 20 mins for e bus tat shld have came ard tat time. But whn we're at e busstp dere were tis ah beng n ah lian wannabe waited for i tink e same bus as us lah. I guess they mus have been waitd quite long for dem to board e sbs bus. N as for us, bcos im so "smart", ya w inverted comas, i tld shuyan to trust me n wait patiently for e shuttle bus. Cos if really there had been no s.bus rite, e bus driver n thse wannabes wld kindly infrm us. I tink ystd was an eye opener as to how UGLY SINGAPOREANS can be!! Really they r. Cant u jus opn ur freaking mouth n tell us tat dere wasnt any bus. Such a booboo!! Its my fault aniway. Hehehe. But hor i were kinda surprised tat shuyan willing to go alng w my plan of waiting cos i noe tat shes usually e ones tat oppose to my idea as mstly my ideas doesnt werk out tat well. I guess her sickness affect her mental n emotional capabilities ar. As she was nicer but by only 5%. Hahahaha.

Overall i had fun. It was syiok ar!! ahaha. Nxt tyme we go shall prepare n bring cards r sme game to kill time while waiting for e sun which actually rises frm e west n sets in e east. As tld n corrected by my dear fren, WAI SHU YAN. Tat is why its an educational trip for me. Ive learnt a lt of things. If i can post sme pics i wld but i dunno how to. So for e time being my blog is naked!!

Till then...

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

I'm grateFOOL

FULL by my definition is when you have enough and can longer take anything more.
FOOL by my definition is all of us. WE ARE FOOLISH.

In a COMEDY movie, we are e CLOWNS.
In a deck of CARDS, we are e JOKERS.
In life we are ungrateFOOLS.

Forgive me for laying e TRUTH out.
Its e TRUTH tat needs to be unfold.
Its e TRUTH tat needs to b told.
Its e TRUTH tat makes all of us crumble n stumble.
But its also e TRUTH tat will makes us STRONGER.

Admit it!!
Repeat after me, " I am UNGRATEFUL"
For what He has given us, we want more.
For what we have we are blinded by GREED.

Only when we have experience lost will we realise FULL is enough.
Full is a benchmark for MORE.
Cause FULL will eliminate any greed we posses.

So how do we avoid that?
Can we ever avoid COMPLACENCY?
"NO?", did you said No.
How pessismistic can you be.
Of course we can avoid and erase COMPLACENCY.
Be optimistic for a change.
COMPLACENCY can b avoided by a CHANGE.
A CHANGE tat comes deep within.
A CHANGE tat none of us are willing to go thru.

But its a transition, a phase we have to go thru.
It's not a must tho.
Dere's no strings attached.
But dere's a REWARD tat drives us from reaching n clenching e "CHANGE".
Like r not, we are changing.

Evidently it will start w our LOOKS.
wrinkles, dark spot, zits.....
Then cmes our mindset.
they say, "e older ull get, e wiser ull b",
is it true? I doubt it.

E older, one gets, e feel tat they have more authority.
Authority tat comes w a PRICE.
Authority tat some not all abused.
Authority tat ive yet to understand.
But wat i do noe is tat AUTHORITY does NOT mean FREEDOM.

n RESPONSIBILITY is wat not evryone can carry w dem.
RESPONSIBILITY is wat ppl THINK e can have.
But RESPONSIBILITY is also at times a "bag of sack" we carry on our shoulders.
Some have it light, while others, only GOD would noes.

Lets take some time off to reflect.
Not just on urselves but ur surroundings.

Saturday, December 12, 2009


"This" is draining me out.
"This" is very irritating.
"This" is annoying.
Wat is "This"?

This is LONGSHOT. Sang by bth Katty Perry and Kelly Clarkson. Thou i tink Katty rendition is way bttr n more emotional. So go listen.

"I felt it.
The wire touched my neck and
Then someone pulled it tighter
I never saw it coming
I`m certain to back out and
Then someone said good morning
I took it as a warning
I should have seen it coming
So now I`ll take a chance on
This thing we may have started
Intentional or not I
Don`t think we saw it coming
It`s all adding up to something
That as of some involvement
That as for our commitment
I think I see it coming
If we step out of that limb

My heart beat, beats me senselessly
Why`s everything got to be so intense with me
I`m trying to handle all these unpredictability
In all probability

It`s a long shot so I say why not
The chance is we won't make it
If I say forget it I no that I`ll regret it
It`s a long shot just to beat the odds
The chance is we won't make it
But I know if we don't take they're be no chance
But you're the best I got
So take the long shot

I realize that there is all this starting
That we're both scared about but
We`ll never see them coming
Throw caution to the wind and
We`ll see which way it's blowing
And to this pulling on
We`ll never see it coming
Until it's much to close to stop

My heart beat, beats me senselessly
Why`s everything got to be so intense with me
I`m trying to handle all these unpredictability
And all probability

It`s a long shot but I say why not
If I say forget it
I know that I`ll regret it
It`s a long shot just to beat the odds
The chance is we won't make it but i know if i don't take it there's no chance
Cuz I`m the best you got
So take the long shot

What a pleasant surprise what a breath of fresh air
You knock the wind out of me
But inside it's so unaware

Ahaa, ahaa, ahaa,

Oh I waited for fact to come of fiction
And you fit my description
I never saw you coming
But we'll make it even though

It`s a long shot but I say why not
If I say forget it
I know that I`ll regret it
It`s a long shot just to beat the odds
The chance is we won't make it
But I know if I don't take it there's no chance
Cuz you're the best I got
So take the long shot

You didn't expect this
Oh you never saw me coming
You didn't expect this
Oh you never saw this coming

I take the long shot
I take the long shot, shot, shot, shot, shot
Cuz you're the best I got

Oh I`m take this chance on you baby
I`m take this chance on you baby
I`m taking this chance"

Ok once again i REPEAT, tis is so tiring!!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Running in HEELS cum CELEB cum KARAOKE

So e past days have been hectic. Like super duper bz. Well I guess my days was filled w lot of JOB INTERVIEWS. YOHA!! WORKKKK!!
*haizz, let me mengeluh*
Ive been to so far ermm i tink 4 interviews but still have yet to rceive any call.
Hah very, totally definitely!!
To add, i went for almst all interviews in HEELS!! yup e super high heels!!
N even worse, i fall sick!! Mayb im jus too tired. Mayb my body cant take all this work stress anymore. Mayb its jus all an excuses. Well i hope n pray dat i do get a job. Not bcos it's time well spend but my mny is runing out SOON. Im goin BROKE real soon if tis continues.
the "this" means going out for job hunting cum jus outing.

Ok so besides tat, we've jus had my sis surprise bdae celeb. Its e day when i fall sick.
Helped my mum out n things like dat evn though my body was aching all over, my head felt tat it wld explode any secs n i jus felt tat i could puke out all my stomach acids since ive not been eating. But den looking at my mum doin all thse werk i jus had to put aside my illness. *pat myself on e back* I guess e whole thing went smoothly but of coz i was in no mood watsoever. Nevertheless the whole point is not abt me but making my sis happy n i well mayb she was. Tats wat she told us. Well i take her word for it. Ok so ive to include tis part abt the cake. I was kinda in charge of ordering the cake. As usual, typical sheila, e selenger sheila. I didnt really noe wat kind to buy so i bght a cake w a sesame street pics on it for a 21 year old gerl!! Fine i noe, how dumb can i b rite?? Ppl was like tis cake r u 10 r 21?? guess its jus part of being sheila. HAHAHA. But it look great n tasted YUMMY!!

Now for my karaoke session ystd w Shuyan n Yng le. Surprise2, yng le came. Tat was so unexpected. But nonetheless it was uber FUN!! Ive jus realized *clearing my throat* tat ive a great voice!! hahaha ok enuf of thse self-denial. So we sang chinese, english n malay sngs. Well chinese sngs of coz lah were sang by bth of dem while i owned thse malay sngs!!

Ok dats all..
n oh ya, i really do hate to sing "Oopsy daisy" if u noe wat i mean.