Sunday, January 17, 2010


Oh, ya, helllooo..
its been 4eva since i last update my blog. Guess im jus too tired to type anything esp since ive started werkin. Werk has been fine up till now. Not sure how it'll b in e mths to cme. E ppl dere r ok jus dat as usual im not e typical, silly sheila dere. Im practically e nice sheila which by the way so NOT me!! hahah. but nvm, as long as i get my pay, kaching kaching, ill b happy!! Cant wait to go shopping w my bitch!! heheh Till den lets jus save any cents i have pratically 1 cent do goes into my pocket. haha.

ok stop blaberring n wats e freaking confession all abt!!
well, im a self-fish, self-love n by no means a self-less person. Yup dats who i am, i tink. N tats wat life so far has made me. Do you belief me? NO? Reli? Y? haha.
Cos u shld.
n Y is dat, u may asked?
Cos im human.
I tink i might jus make a wrg decision. Tats a feeling i get. N if i do, im reli sori. Truly sori. It wasnt meant to be dat way but it has to.
Ever get tat feeling? Tat smething ure doing might be wrng?
Well, i do. Most of the times i chose to ignore it. But tis time i tink its time for me to start listening. Stop doing sme talking n start putting my ears to good use for once.
You dont get wat im trying to say do you?
Well its jus as complicated as the author is.
It is.

Friday, January 1, 2010

u wanna talk abt my BLOG uh

OK OK!! i noe, ive heard it all b4!! yup from u, n u, n them, n they!!
n guess wat peopleeee, yes u ppl!! u kuih lapis, ang kue kueh!! MY BLOG IS BORING!! its not tat i dun wanna change e whole setting n layout, watever to e weather thingy. but i jus cant!! y? u may asked? dun asked me, ask my comp or bttr yet thse ppl who set up blogspot!!
Buat org geram je...

n my blog is for me to lay out my tots.. ok
no comments needed. thank u.
n u wai shuyan!! make me angry uh!! lets go to the ring n fight!! WWE style!! kekekekeke...
just joking gerll.. hehe

so am tinking of shiftig to tumblr.. shall c how lah..
n y am i blogging 2dae? its all bcos of my bro!1
yes HIM!! arghhhhhhhhhh..
i cant watch tv n my drama n i blame him!!
tiada maaf bagimu!!!
arghhhhhhhhhh ROAR..

MOOD: angry w my brother (2 b specific)